Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Change every mother can believe in, World Peace....

I was listening to the Gayle King show on Oprah Xm radio and she had a good question of the day, "If you could do or change one thing in the world to make it a better place, what would it be?". I agreed with most of the caller's ideas I got to thinking what would I do and it came to me I've thought for many years that if more mothers ran the world then there wouldn't really be war - so much of war is power hungry males. Mother's respect life, most mother's could pick up an orphan of any race or gender and love it like their own. It's just a part of who we are. We love and nurture, no mother in her right mind would send sons of to war to profit themselves. Sorry just wouldn't happen. So here's my "the one thing I would do"- for every man in power there should be a women in power as a counterbalance with equal authority and sway, in every country and nation in the world. Here's another idea why as women do we essentially let men rule our nation, really I mean where's the representation? Maybe I should start a new movement for women until we have equal power in washington we should only pay the percentage of taxes as percentage of women we have representing us! NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION FOR WOMEN!!!

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